Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The Quiet Southern One

The second most romantic moment of my life was yet another missed opportunity. I was with a guy I liked, in a place I loved, and I was so nervous I couldn't even turn my body to face him. Seriously? I'm 14 years old when it comes to this stuff. Why can't I grow a set? Maybe this is one of the reasons I was able to give my number to Vincenzio and practically ask Dennis out too. I suppose I have my moments?

Anyway, we were in London, I was 19, he was shy and of course soft-spoken and best of all adorable! Uh, he had the cutest baby face. We became friends and started hanging out, but never officially called the times we went out together ‘dates’. Neither of us actually said out loud that we liked the other, which is why I guess we were both too scared to make a move. Two shies don’t make a right huh? Wow, that was terrible.

One night we sat side by side on a bench near the Marble Arch. The headlights of the cars shone through the little area where we sat like stage lights, and I felt a little like I was floating. Though absolutely petrified at the same time of course. I wanted to kiss him so badly and even more to have him kiss me, but neither of us was brave enough. We went home unmolested much to my chagrin.

When it was time to return to the states, him to the South me to the North, I went by his flat to say goodbye. He wasn’t home but his weird roommate was and allowed me in to write a note. (At this point I didn’t care if his roommate read it because I most likely wouldn’t see him again. Little did I know I’d end up sharing two more classes with him but that’s beside the point.) It took me a good couple hours to work up the courage to go, but I finally did. Maybe it was because I knew I might not see him ever again either. My intention in going to his apartment was to tell him that he should have been braver. I’m still surprised I did it. Instead I wrote it in a note. Yeah, there goes my brave status.

What I received back was a note from him while I was out. It said, you could have been braver too!

He’s right. I could have been. But it doesn’t change the fact we both missed out on a fun romance abroad because we were too afraid!

Such is my life!

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