Sunday, August 16, 2009

Oh. Em. Gee.

Are you guys ready for this? Are you sitting?

I got a text from Red while I was on vacation last week, almost exactly two months from the night we were supposed to go out.


Hey! Are you home? I wanted to stop by... I realize I owe you a big
apology for skipping out on our date and not getting back to u
at all.

My response:

yeah that was a pretty shit thing to do. But in dropping me completely
u showed u were no longer interested. When I realized u weren't hurt
in a ditch somewhere

I lost interest too. I believe in 2nd chances so I hope u can show the
next girl who thinks you're cool that u are. See u around.

Harsh? Perhaps. I just have no use for that kind of bull shit. I haven't heard back from him, which is to be expected since my last text was pretty final. It's odd because after it happened I was all riled up and said I was done with him, but in retrospect if he had come to me a few days later or even a week later and tried to apologize I would have heard him out and probably given him a second chance. Two months later? I think not.

If I had let my curiosity get the better of me I suppose I could have heard him out now, let him apologize and then kicked him to the curb. But really, who has time for that? If you like me you like me, if you don't you don't. If you have issues, congratulations, so do I, but don't think I'm still going to be hanging around two months later. I am definitely not that kind of woman. Desperation is not in my repertoire.

Also, not getting back to me? Like it was a phone call about borrowing a dvd or something? Boy needs to work on his language skills. Even within a 120 word text. And stop by? I'm not even sure he's still in the building. Many units were repossessed and put back on the market. His included.

Ah well, in other news I just got back from a nice, long relaxing vacation in a tropical paradise. Sad I'm back, but for lack of a better cliché, my batteries have been recharged so I can soldier on with a smile. And a fabulous tan. So there's that. :)