Sunday, January 21, 2007

8 Seconds

I went out with some family friends yesterday who I haven't seen in a long while. As I was late, they had all gone around filling each other in on their lives by the time I arrived. I was expected to spill the moment I sat down. My favorite question was first.

"So are you seeing anyone?"

"Ummm, no."

Long, pregnant pause during which all eyes were on me. Can we say AWKWARD? I couldn't figure out what to say next and apparently no one else could either. Granted it was probably only about 8 seconds, but 8 seconds of complete silence during any conversation let alone that one is kind of weird.

I know I'm making too much of it, but it was just odd that it happened when it did (ie, after the first question asked) rather than ten minutes into the conversation when a lull would be normal. Like that was the only thing they were really interested in knowing about me.

HAhhahaha! So ridiculous.

I need to come up with a follow up response...keep the conversation moving. Perhaps, "and I've never had sex," would work?

1 comment:

jo said...

haha! i'm quite sure if you added that, the silence would last for at least another 8 seconds.