Sunday, June 04, 2006

Overly Sensitive I'm Sure

During one of the various “mandatory” after work drinks (don’t get me started) I chose to sit on the opposite end of the table, as far from my boss as I could possibly position myself. As per usual the invite was emailed and closed with, "be there.” It was clearly directed towards yours truly for skipping out on the last gathering for drinks with co-workers.

Trying my best to enjoy myself, I barely glanced toward that end of the table and concentrated on the conversations of the people immediately around me. Somehow there was a lull and my boss took the floor. She began to tell this inappropriate story about how a friend of hers was still a virgin.

“Can you believe it?” she said, aghast. “She’s in her thirties and she hasn’t popped her cherry. God. I mean, it’s not like she’s ugly. She’s a little chunky but still…”

I think it was probably that moment in which any respect I had for her as a person burned up in a blaze of disgust. (My personal and professional respect have both diminished greatly since the day she became my boss and for various reasons, but this sealed the deal.) First of all, that’s her friend she’s totally mocking and not in a light-hearted way. I don’t care if my friends joke with me and make fun, but if they went out and told a room full of people who worked for them how awful it was for me, I think I’d be a little hurt. Of course, I wouldn’t be friends with people who would demean me like that. At least, I hope by now I've weeded those out.

Granted, all of my co-workers who were also subjected to this insipid story (that didn’t stop there) have most likely forgotten it. Hell, they probably forgot it two minutes after she told it. I realize it is my own insecurity that prevents me from doing the same, but I know for a fact that even if I wasn’t a virgin, I still would have been offended at how she treated an alleged friend.

1 comment:

~Moi~ said...

no you arent overly sensitive.
She was the one who was inapropriate and insensitve. I have come to realize that it is the people who demean others for their own benifit are the ones who are more insecure. They have to put down others so they can feel better about themselves. And even in her case she put down her own friend! It shows you how insecure she really is.