Tuesday, January 14, 2014

I Could Write The Book On That...

So I was reading articles on the internet today, as I tend to do at work, and I came across a plug for this book:

I was interested of course and immediately bought the book for a number of reasons. 1 because yay a memoir not filled with glamorous life adventures of travel and sex, or cutthroat careers and sex, or weird upbringings and sex- no, this was clearly someone I could identify with rather than just admire for having/surviving a life that would make an awesome movie. 2 because I wanted to see how she represented herself and how she managed to become an adult without having a romantic, let alone sexual relationship. I'm only a few pages in but what I've gleaned so far is she's got a good sense of humor which lends a hand to her not wallowing in self-pity and that she's only 25. What I'm interested in though is the part where she does get serious, because you know a book like this will have to at some point.


I know some of my readers are that age or even younger and struggle with being a virgin and single their whole lives due to the ridiculous expectation to be sexually active by 18...but to me at this point it seems so young. 

They way she begins the book is cute and much the same way I could start my own- being in love with a boy at 7. I'm only up to her being 12 but the major difference I can see so far is that she was absolutely boy crazy. I never was. I liked boys don't get me wrong, but I didn't hang pictures up anywhere of teen celebs or obsess over what it would be like to be married to them or any boy for that matter. Weirdly I had "boyfriends" all through grammar school but once puberty hit and hand holding wasn't enough I freaked out and shut down.

Then I thought, well if she could write a book about still being single at 25, I could write one about still being single at 36. Then I thought, so could everyone on my blog roll. We should all write a book. Maybe a collection of short memoir stories about our own experiences. I would read that. 

Of course I may be biased.

But it's an idea.

I have to go read more to see how this book plays out. I'm crossing my fingers it keeps us all in a good light.


Anonymous said...

I'm only 23, but god yes is the subject of the dateless adult soil for tilling. Like you I was never boy-crazy either. I didn't hang posters or have crushes or play the husband game or anything like that, HOWEVER I knew I liked boys, and it hurt when I got older and realised I didn't know how to get them to like me back.

alifelivedalone said...

First off me needs this book! Thanks for finding it.
I too was not boy crazy.....and here I was thinking that was my problem really, but maybe it's more complicated then that.
I'm 26 and I've been feeling the clock ticking since I turned 24-that's when I started to get seriously worried. Started dreading getting older, planning my life not the way I want t but the way it's most likely going to be. Cut down on those vague husband, 2 kids and a dog daydreams cause they were getting depressing. Had my first cold sweated, shaking no sleep nights over my situation.
I'm glad you still see 25 as young-it gives me hope to keep on fighting.
PS I'm not much of a writer but if you put together that book and you want me-I'm in!

Anonymous said...

WOW QV Thanks for posting this! A year or two ago I did search Amazon wondering if there has been such a book written...but could not find one. I am curious myself now. Yes, we all could write a book...heck, we have blogs.

R0de0 said...

You've always got me Queen B!
