Sunday, August 27, 2006

50 Things You Didn't Ask To Know

I find these lists captivating on some blogs so I thought I'd post my own. Plus, I know at least one of you is curious to know more about this virgin. Humor me. 
1. I always have to have dessert. One cookie counts. 
2. I am younger than I look. 
3. I feel older than I am. 
4. I wore braces for 10 months, a retainer for 5 years and my teeth are still crooked. 
5. Though I have been told I have a great smile. 
6. I can't hear anything in a noisy place, but if it's quiet I can hear a pin drop.
7. I was somewhat popular in high school but I still hated it. 
8. The only other thing I regret about college, aside from not having any sexual experiences, is not partying more. 
9. I get nauseous a lot but I've only thrown up three times in my life. 
10. Only one of those times was from drinking. 
11. I have a different allergic reaction to different alcohol. 
12. Not one person I know knows about this blog. 
13. If they should accidentally come across it somehow and read some of my earlier entries they'd totally know it was me. Depending on who it was, I'd either feel incredibly awkward or incredibly curious as to if their opinion of me changed. 
14. I've backpacked through a lot of Western Europe on my own. 
15. Light sleeper is putting it mildly. Ear plugs are my best friends. 
16. Without music I'd shrivel up and die. 
17. I often cry at movies, but will bottle my emotions until the day I explode. 
18. I am very close to my parents though they now live hundreds of miles away. 
19. My anger is a three stop process. 1-quiet low voice 2-loud ranting vulgarity as long as person who has caused my anger is not present 3- laughter at how ridiculous all of it is. 
20. I quit a summer internship while in college because after only one day of organizing their CDs because that's all they had for me to do, I knew I'd be unfathomably bored. 
21. I can wiggle my ears. 
22. I am still computer illiterate when it comes to certain things and didn't realize until last week that my settings didn't allow anonymous comments. 
23. I'd love to be fluent in another language. Two or three even. 
24. I say I'm 5'7" but I'm really 5'6 and three quarters" 
25. #16 is a lie. Without my sense of humor I'd shrivel up and die. Without music I just couldn't function properly. 
26. I used to want to be an actress when I was young. (surprise!) 
27. Now I realize I am an actress sometimes, just not in the way I wanted to be. 
28. One of the top things on my list to do before I kick it is to get my short stories published. 
29. Bread is a staple. Red meat is not. 
30. I think about moving to the west coast or europe all the time. At the moment, I lack the cojones to do it. 
31. I'd rather sleep with a fan on than the AC (granted it's not sub sahara Africa.) 
32. I don't voice my political opinions unless others in the room feel the same way. I do not like to debate politics, mostly because people always end up shouting and insulting one another.
33. That said, I believe G.W. is a puppet and actually consumes oil in order to live. 
34. I usually like tall, lanky dark haired guys, but the occasional tall, lanky blonde makes an appearance. 
35. I'll probably end up with a short, pudgy red head (not that there's anything wrong with that...) 
36. Accents have a profound affect on me. If you are a tall, lanky brunette with an accent I will probably have a crush on you. 
37. TV is an addiction I am able to quit in the summer. 
38. I love a good long rainy day. 
39. My dream job would be to travel the world and get paid to write witty stories about my adventures. 
40. My second dream job = rock star on the lesser side of fame. 
41. I would love to knock a few people upside the head. 
42. I hope to meet a man endeared by my fears rather than irritated (as I am) by them. 
43. I wish I had a cat. 
44. I wish my ex-landlord would stop being a dick and give me back my deposit. 
45. I've never broken a bone. 
46. I've donated a total of 24 inches of hair to a place that makes wigs for children who have lost it to cancer and other disease. 
47. I find the societal expectations of a 28 year old American female to be absurd and yet often find myself pining over not meeting them. It's pretty infuriating.
48. I don't have any desire to live to be 100. 
49. I will run from a fight or any inkling of love every time. 
50. I may be a virgin, but I totally have a place reserved in hell.


Anonymous said...

Very interesting....

I like #50 the best. I hope we get some sort of brownie points for being a virgin when it comes to whether or not we are destined for hell, because I am already pretty evil, too.


Nina said...

Maybe I should come up with 50 things about myself- yours are very honest... I'd knock Paris Hilton upside the head too!! She gives me a headache..

LYS said...

beth- ha. what if the fundamentalist muslims are right? if we are evil but still virgins when we die, will our hell consist of you, me and 5 other virgins catering to our dead soldier's whims?

nina-'s pretty easy to be honest with complete anonymity on my side...:) it's fun!

Scribe LA said...

47. I find the societal expectations of a 28 year old American female to be absurd and yet often find myself pining over not meeting them. It's pretty infuriating.

Nice work, Queen. Thanks for sharing more about yourself. Neat.
Thanks for your kind words about Michael. :-)

Whitestripe said...

Wow. I can wiggle my ears too!