Saturday, February 09, 2013

'Til I Go

It's either me or this city and I'll never know unless I go.

This is from an email (grammatically and obscenely ridiculous as it is) I wrote a close friend few weeks ago:

"...I've gone from vile mood to vile mood since my birthday. How about a throwback to our days of endless emotional emails? It's been quite a long time since I've written one and im sure you're just dying to know what sort of depressive state im currently here goes.

Im f'ing depressed. Again. Crying uncontrollably at the drop of a hat. Everything rips my heart up. Im so sick of feeling emotionally shitty all the time. Even when im not feeling sad the underlying loneliness is always there. God i hate admitting that. But it's true. The loner is finally admitting not being able to handle her loneliness...

K says i should go back on antidepressants but i do not want to contact the Dr. I know why im depressed. I know im responsible for changing it. Again K says im too hard on myself. That i should learn to accept that im an inherently oversensitive person and stop being angry with myself about it. But how? How do i stop being angry with myself for being irrational and for getting hurt over the dumbest shit? or feeling the littlest things so deeply when i know perfectly well how ridiculous it is?

I started this a few days ago and since have been pretty busy- no time to think or wallow, but something else is also sort of making me feel a little better.

i think i've come to finally admit that it's just time to leave the city...Despite occasionally meeting people who are nice, the years have deeply embedded the notion that everyone here is an asshole. Including me! I've become the person I dislike because I'm around so many assholes who can't respect personal space, not spit on the ground in front of me, hold a door if i am directly behind them, blow smoke from the cigarette directly into my face... i've just stopped being nice altogether. I never thought I'd be bothered by these things but i guess it all adds up after after a while. I just don't think i'm going to meet a guy here anymore. I think i literally have to move somewhere where the people are nicer. 

Does such a place exist? Or...if i move and i'm still angry and depressed all the time i'll really have to admit it's just me. But it's worth a shot maybe? Getting work is really what will hold me back. Well that and facing having to meet people, be social and form a new circle of friends, none of whom i'll ever be as close with as i am with you or i want that? i don't know. all i know is that staying here doesn't seem to be working. I've always had a love/hate with the city, but i'm beginning to realize it's really a love of the city/hate of the people. The culture, arts, music, even all the lights and buildings and sights- i love it. i could wander thru the city every day, if it weren't for the people who make me want to stick a fork in my eye. 

This is so hard to admit because i always had this idea that new york is where i fit, people wise. it was like this mecca to me of people who didn't fit anywhere else so this is where they all came to finally be happy. it sounds so simplistic and juvenile now. i mean i knew it wouldn't be as easy as that, but i thought at least i'd find something. i suppose in a way i have, i wouldn't trade the friends i have now for anything, but i guess like everything you dream about when you're young it's not how i thought it would be. thinking back, i've always felt a little like i didn't belong or was left out of things growing up despite having friends and never being considered unpopular...

i started thinking about people in relationships who expect their partner to be everything for them. I think i might be doing that just in reverse. because i don't have a person, i expect (not consciously) my friends to fill in and it's just not possible. you have to have both otherwise it just leads to pain..."

SO like I said, it's either me or this city and I'll never know unless I go. I had a few more uncontrollable crying sessions thinking about where to go. Unfortunately though my job is perfectly workable from home anywhere, I don't believe companies would hire me unless I was nearby. And for what I do NYC and LA are the only places that need me. LA was an exciting thought- the west coast would be so nice and sunny and a total change of life pace- but ultimately it's just too far. I know I couldn't handle moving my whole life out there by myself. If anything has happened these past few years it's that I've learned my emotional limits. Well...started to anyway. Then I discovered a small pocket in the DC area so that's where I'm currently contemplating making this big life change. I've applied for a job but haven't heard yet.

In the meantime I accepted a freelance job that requires me to go in to the city every day again. On the one hand it's really good because I'm too busy to self-reflect and drive myself crazy with thoughts about my life and what I'm doing or currently not doing with it. On the other hand I'm back to wanting to shoot everyone on the street because they can't take a moment to realize there are OTHER PEOPLE IN EXISTENCE AROUND THEM. Sorry. It's just so aggravating.

So hopefully next time I write it will be with good news. This cycle of depression has got to stop.


Anonymous said...

Hey QV --

Your letter isn't ridiculous at all, in fact I can relate to parts of

"The loner is finally admitting not being able to handle her loneliness..."

"i started thinking about people in relationships who expect their partner to be everything for them. I think i might be doing that just in reverse. because i don't have a person, i expect (not consciously) my friends to fill in and it's just not possible."

Although I have never been to NYC, I also have gotten the idea that it is a place where people go who don't feel like they belong anywhere else. I've often wondered if I would belong there, but realize I could never afford it. I would like to visit someday, not the toursity stuff so much as just exploring the vibes, food and history of all the different neighborhoods.

Good luck on the job front, maybe moving to a new city is what you need. I often toy with the fact of moving, but I'm just not sure yet. My family live in different states now, but may move down by me in the future.

Anonymous said...


My heart aches when I read about you feeling this way, but despite your struggles and depression, there's one very important positive I can take away from your post - you're not giving up. I can tell you're a fighter and I urge you to NEVER give up the fight...EVER... no matter how dark some days may be.

Before you decide to leave NY make sure you sit down and think about it for while in a non-emotional state of mind. If you want to meet nicer people come here to Canada!

I'm pulling for you V. I know the agony you are feeling. I was there. When I first started reading your blog a few years ago we were in the same boat. I managed to pull myself out it and I've been waiting for you to do the same. I know you can do it too...and I know you WILL do it so long as you never give up and do EVERYTHING in your power to change your situation.

Be strong.

Unknown said...

Hi QV,

I thought it was really interesting what you said about having this feeling of not fitting in anywhere else:

i've always felt a little like i didn't belong or was left out of things growing up despite having friends and never being considered unpopular...

And that makes me think a lot about the way you might be experiencing people and how feeling so disconnected can be extremely painful. Every day feels like a slap in the face...
The feelings and stories you describe in regards to relationships sound very similar to what I have lived. Im my case I have turned my attention to the way I perceive people. At times I think people being rude or indifferent makes me particularly sad because I feel everybody has been like that throughout my life. Strangers just become 'reminders' of that everyday. I realized I dragged those ideas with me no matter where I went or who I met. Similar to you, I became interested in moving away once, and did it. I gained an great experience I would not change for the world. Going through that transition did not improve my social situation by much but improved my self-esteem and then, things slowly started to change. But that is me, you might benefit from the change in a very different way.

My only comment our of all this is that following your intuition is a great and if you feel like moving is something you do, go for it!!! celebrate your freedom and make the best of it!!!
But do remember to give yourself recognition for everything you have done up to now and all the great efforts you will have to make once you decide to start over somewhere else.

I am a regular reader and I am not sure if I have ever commented before but I really do admire the strength you have mustered throughout the years and the fact that you share your experience with the world. Everybody has their own challenges in life. It is amazing how even though we do not know each other I have found your blog to be one of those little things that remind me, whenever I feel sad, that I am not alone and that there are great people like you struggling with similar things in life. Sometimes I think that our type of challenges are invisible to most people.

Thank you for sharing and keep on moving forward!!! You deserve and will be happy!!! I believe it all gets easier once you realize what your journey is about. Every day we give one step forward so keep your eyes, ears, and heart open :)

LYS said...

Thanks NHBF! Moving is such a big undertaking, even when you're moving within city limits. I've done a lot of thinking since my last post, all of which will come out in my next one for sure, and let's just say if you're ever in nyc, you know who to look up to meet for tea! ;)

Thank you anon- I have only been to Canada once (for work) and I can honestly say that I absolutely loved everyone I met. People were so nice and friendly thoughts of moving up there definitely crossed my mind. I just wish it was warmer! :) I am happy to hear you have survived- it helps give me hope that I will be able to overcome my often self-defeat.

Thank you Edith, for your story and encouragement. I often don't feel very strong, but you are one of a few commenters who has said that I actually helps make me feel positive and that I'm not just a useless lump of self-inflicted depression. there is so much negativity that finds its way into my head, so I'm grateful for the support. My next post will hopefully show some new direction- just need some time to write it. :)