Friday, September 23, 2011

Mission: Turning New Leaf Accomplished

I asked a guy out today.
He said no, but in the sweetest way possible.
He's a nice boy.
I still like him.

I received an email from an ex-co-worker yesterday. We didn't really know each other that well and only worked directly together maybe once, but he sent an email to see how my new job was going. I always thought he was cute and despite not being together that often I sort of got the feeling he liked me. I never responded because a) we worked together and b) he's so young! At least 10 years my junior.

Anyway, the fact that he sent an email out of the blue made me think maybe he was interested in getting together, so I replied with an ask. Paraphrased it went like this: "at the risk of sounding dumb, I've always thought you were cute and now that we don't work together why don't we go out?"

He replied with an answer full of compliments that made me smile. Paraphrased it went like this: "I've always thought you were cute too, but I've actually just started seeing someone and want to see where it goes. But I want you to know that I would totally go out with you otherwise."

Sigh. I know I just started but can I please just get the timing right?


Megan said...

Congrats on just asking! And yes, that was a great rejection.

Anonymous said...

He did let you down easy.