Friday, April 01, 2011

Note To Self

Dear Emotional self:

Why are you so far behind the rest of us? Why are you anchored to 2001? Financial self has grown tremendously! She refinanced her mortgage by herself and is taking steps to understand how to invest her money. Physical self is getting a little bit of an ego now that she has committed to yoga and can actually see tone in her arms and belly. And intellectual self, yours truly, has finally come to terms with her achievements and failures and her view of the future. She has finally admitted that finding someone to share her life with is not only important, but something she actually desires. Now that her priorities have changed, things are supposed to start falling in place. The only thing holding it all up is you emotional self. Yes you. With all your abstract fears and irrationalities you are weighing us down and making it very hard to take even the smallest step forward. Now I admit, I am not without fault here, I did manage to repress you for a good ten years, but now's your chance! You're free! Let it out! Catch the hell up to the rest of us before sexual self starts making noise and wakes self loathing self. Because no one wants that. She's such a bitch. So please emotional self, I implore you. Forgive me and let go of what happened. You are stronger now, it could never happen again. Start on a new track. Life is waiting for us.

Intellectual self

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our intellectual self encourages us to avoid every risk eventually to the grave.

But for meaningful human connection we must take risk. No woman wakes up and says "I don't want to be swept off my feet" and no man doesn't hope to meet the "girl of my dreams" even when he's going out to the club, yes even at the club.

So where do we fail to connect? We must take risk, because we have nothing to lose, save some embarrassment, and so much to gain.

Next time you see a cute guy, strike a conversation, bat a flirty eye. Those who ask, shall receive.