Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Maybe He'll Even Know How To Cook

I'll be moving within the next couple months...in by myself.

I am absolutely thrilled to finally have my own place and extremely terrified I'm sealing the deal on spinsterhood at the same time...you know, since I like being alone and often prefer it after an especially long day of stupid, annoying people.

Maybe a fun, laid-back, successful, affectionate, gracious, animal-loving, humorous, sexy, well-rounded and handsome man with an accent who picks up his socks will live in the building.

And take a shine to me.

One can hope.



Anonymous said...

You are SO brilliant! My friend and I have decided that should we find ourselves faced with spinsterhood, we will move in with each other and have the whole world speculating about our sexual orientation. We now refer to each other as our "spinstress." We have had to explain to many a man that spinstress does NOT mean lesbian lover, much to their disappointment. Perhaps if you are not able to find your funny, laid-back, successful, affectionate, gracious, animal-loving, humorous, sexy, well-rounded and hansom man with an accent you will consider joining us for some non-lesbian cohorting (my dictionary says that is not a word but I think it should be!).

Scribe LA said...

If that guy lives in your building I hope he has a twin...:)