Saturday, February 02, 2008

The Great Debate

I went down to K's for a visit recently. She picked me up from the station.

K: Hi
QV: Hi
K: So...I think you should start dating.
QV: I agree.
K: (stunned silence)

We've had this conversation many times before, but this is the first time I didn't answer with some unintelligible sound which meant a) no thanks b) don't want to talk about it or c) Absolutely not.

QV: you of the obviously many reasons that kept me from dating is this overwhelming fear of getting pregnant.
K: you have to have sex to get pregnant.
QV: thank you master of the obvious. I meant that in my mind dating always lead to sex which meant getting pregnant.
K: birth control.
QV: are you listening to me? It's not rational. Don't even try to tell me you don't have any irrational fears. Dating just always equalled sex to me.
K: that's because you're mother f**ed you up.
QV: she knows, she's taken some of the responsibility. But at this point I think we all know it's mine. I think if I had been someone else, I mean, if she had given all those warnings to another kid, it wouldn't have affected them the same way it did me. I was so overly sensitive to everything, no matter what she said it was true. When it didn't make sense to me I rationalized it in my own mind until it did.
K: you don't know that.
QV: no, but I still think it.

I can't help but wonder why things happened the way they did. Why all my life people have complimented me on both my appearance and my character and yet, only a handful of guys have ever approached me. How I managed to miss out on years of natural experimentation because I was intensely scared of sex. That's not to say I was scared of my body, because for some reason that was never a problem. But really, how did I manage to build walls so thick it's going to take some damn big explosives to take them down? Or is that just something else I tell myself to justify my single position?

It never bothered me before...having people think I'm a lesbian. I'm an extremely independent woman, I don't dress in lace, I listen to a lot of female singer/songwriters, I'm very pro-women, I don't talk about my sex life- easy for people to assume I must be gay right? Most of the time I don't give a rats ass what other people are thinking of me. Well, people I don't know anyway, I spent way too much of my youth worrying about that. But now that I'm 30 and still don't have a man? Well then it's practically confirmed. Really the only thing that bothers me about it (aside from the absurdity of people assuming that not having a man either means I'm gay or there must be something wrong with me) is that if everyone is thinking this, it lessons my already slim chances of actually meeting a guy. uh.

What bothers me even more is the fact that it sounds like I'm lamenting being single because I'm 30. I can't really see myself as one of those women who suddenly becomes desperate because she hit the three oh and is still single, and yet here I am talking about it. But in my defense, like the greys in my hair, it's other people commenting on it that is drawing my attention to it. I actually had to start dying my hair because everyone and their mother felt it was ok to tell me I had so many. I got sick of hearing it. Will I actually have to start dating because everyone will feel it's ok to tell me I need to settle down? Dare I bend to such societal pressure?

Outside of my closest friends, and this damn blog that I can't seem to give up, I don't speak often about this area of my life. People are fascinated by it. Case in point, there is a rumor among my friends at work that I'm seeing someone. I have no idea who started it or why, but because I won't say anything about it, they've gone crazy trying to figure out who it is. Because I won't talk about it they've decided it's someone at work which is making them even crazier. I find it all hilarious. I have a sneaking suspicion that one of my friends was trying to mess with me when he said he'd heard the rumor, which is why I decided to mess with him and clam up about it. Anyway, it's something to do at work. ;)

And then there's mom.

Mom: I showed my friends the pictures of you. They loved them!
QV: Oh yeah?
Mom: They're all wondering how you're still single.
QV: They need to find better ways to occupy their time.
Mom: They're wondering if you're a Les-
QV: Of course they are. It's the first place they go when they see me and find out I don't have a man.

I'm pretty sure that was a subtle asking, but that was the end of it. People have a really hard time understanding that it's not my first priority. Maybe that's really just all it is...all it has been my whole life. Both my parents were extremely influential in making education my very first priority, which then transitioned into getting a good job so I could be self-sufficient. With my latest promotion and some future investments in mind, maybe it's just a coincidence that now my priorities have room to shift. I still absolutely hate the idea of dating, and with any luck I'll be able to skip it, but I guess I have to admit that it has been on my mind....not just dating and finding someone, but the whole where I am in my life now. The last time I dwelled on it, I quit my job and ran off to Europe for 6 weeks. Although I'm dying to travel like that again, I don't feel the same need.

Then again, maybe a change of scenery would be good.


Anonymous said...

Do you know what I think about way too often?

I always worry that, if I met a guy I really liked and started dating him, we'd get to that weird, uncomfortable sex part and I always feel like I'd probably sort of die of embarrassment, 'fessing up to the fact that, I'm almost 30 and I still haven't had sex yet.

And other times, I wonder if I could pull off the defiant, "I'm waiting for the right person" speech and seem believable.

LYS said...

oddly enough, the embarrassment of that moment is not what worries me. i feel like if he stuck around long enough (or rather, i let him stick around long enough) to get to the point where we're about to have sex, he'd take my blurting out how awkward i felt in stride.
it's all the initial awkwardness of getting to know someone that kills me!

Anonymous said...

QV, I just turned 35 and while I've had several 'sex' partners, I've never had sex either. I really identify with a lot of what you've said in your blog. ...I wonder if creating something like those peer support networks that exist for stuff like quitting smoking, or losing weight would be helpful- I sense that many of us adult, secular virgins would benefit from a gentle kick in the pants from an understanding, non-judgmental 'coach' to pursue the romantic relationships we ache for despite our paralyzing fears. ...All I know is that I'm not willing to get the prerequisite cats for my spinsterhood just yet. What d'you think?

LYS said...

hi anonymous- that actually sounds like a great idea. i'm sure somewhere online there's something similar, perhaps not to our exact specifications, but if i was a more disciplined blogger i'd say let's start one! problem is, i'm pretty inconsistent with my postings and even my thinking about all of this. which means getting online to talk/support others wouldn't happen very often. i'd say i was lazy, but i think it's more about having the time to work out exactly what i want to say. everything in my life takes too much time, even my thinking. but if you find/start one, lemme know! it's probably be good for me :)