Monday, December 10, 2007

A Bedtime Story

I cringe whenever I hear someone say, "get laid". I'd almost rather hear "get f***ed". Almost. So it would go without saying that you'd never hear me say, "I need to get laid". However, lately I'm kinda thinking...I need to get laid. uuueeeehhh.

I had a dream in which my virginity played the lead. Very strange. It began with a large group of friends driving me somewhere. There were all kinds of blankets and bedding around so I figured it was going to be a big camp out sleep over. We pulled into what looked like a defunct, or at least closed for the season, amusement park. It was dark outside and I started to feel creeped out. Because I was with friends though (none of who had familiar real world faces) I tried to see it as an adventure.

We parked near two lines of trees leading up to a stage. They began to set up beds under the trees which I thought was odd but hell, it was an adventure, right? I walked over to someone setting up their bed and some other friends pulled me away. They lead me toward the stage on which I could now see was a canopy bed. Someone was draping material over the canopy to enclose it. Privacy in a public place I suppose. Even my dreams are ironic.

"Your first time has to be special!" someone said. And then I realized all the chatter that had been going on was about me.

Apparently losing my virginity was the evening's entertainment. Thing was, I never got the feeling they actually wanted to watch, they all just wanted it to happen. They set it all up to make it special.


1 comment:

jgo said...

Weird indeed. Any new boy stories? Crushes? Anything?