Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The Holiday List

I didn't feel like crying once the entire time.

Yeah, the pros pretty much make the cons moot.

This fact did not, however, exempt the holiday from family drama. And not that I cry every holiday because I don't...'cept for the last like 3 in a row. I'm just one of the many who get that blue kind of feeling during the supposed most wonderful time of the year. Mostly because seeing the family makes me really miss them, which leads to that wonderful walk down 'why am I still alone?' lane, which brings me to 'let's cry about it since it's such a great way to solve the problem'.

Back to the drama. There is an unspoken tension between my mother and brother, though both try to deny it with a pretend resignation that this is just how things are. It has gotten worse over the last couple years, but this is the first year I actually found myself in the middle of it. I guess because both sides could talk to me I was looked to as a kind of mediator.

Needless to say it is not a job I wanted nor actually did very well. In fact, I sucked at it. I didn't make anything worse, I just kind of refused to participate. (Some might say that may have made it worse...who knows?) I suppose the fact that it's all unspoken made it pretty easy, but still. I can barely handle the drama in my own damn head, let alone take on theirs.

At first I sided with my mother as some of the inconsiderate things he's done to her, he's also done to me. But he's my brother and I've accepted his sometimes poor etiquette as part of his character. I know he loves me despite his lack of communication. After a short but telling heart to heart with him though, I realize mom's not all in the right. They both have points and reasons for acting the way they do, but they're both so stubborn they won't ever actually speak about it to try to reach a compromise. Instead they both fill my ears with how they've accepted the fact that they lead extremely different, busy lives without time to offer one another.

It makes me incredibly sad. Of all people I know that separate lives feeling and how you sometimes have to put up that wall to protect yourself, but between family? Odd now that I told you I didn't feel like crying this season huh? Maybe it's because I never had time to concentrate on my own stupid drama for once...

Anyway, I started thinking more and more about my mother's influence over me, and how I thought I had some sort of a handle on it. Turns out I'm not as aware as I thought I was. Regarding family, and when/if I have my own, now I have to think about how every move I make will be interpreted. She has expectations that after watching my brother I'm afraid I won't meet. They are higher for me because I'm her daughter. Perhaps I've always known this and it's just another reason why I've avoided the whole issue of getting involved with someone. Christmas at his parent's house? She might never speak to me again.

Could I really be that much of a wet rag?

On a seemingly irrelevant note, I like to read Chinese astrology. It is something my mom introduced to me. The day to day stuff is usually ridiculous, but the long term forecasts and character traits seem to be on the mark more often than not. I found a book that had combination Chinese/Western sign readings and everything I read about my particulars was accurate. Down to the last line:

"This mixture of charming and freedom loving signs often marries late in life, if ever."

I read it outloud for my mother to hear. Loudly.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Speaking Of...

...random, anonymous, blind kind of set ups...

My friend's husband's mother's best friend's son

While attending my friend's housewarming party I drank cider and chatted with a few people I knew for a while. Suddenly my friend's husband came over and practically shouted, "Have you guys met the W's?"

Before I could even finish my, "" he grabbed my hand and was leading me across the room. "Oh...ok, I guess I'm the only one then?" I said to no one in particular since it went unheard.

"This is J and M you met them at the wedding. This is L and his wife A. My Aunt K and this is her son A. I've known A all my life!" The doorbell conveniently rang and he shot me a look I only realized later was a look of apology. "I have to go get that!"

I found myself standing among a small group of people who were smiling broadly at me, again I only realized later why so I never had time to make myself feel awkward. A and I talked for a few minutes and when the conversation lulled I excused myself to get another glass of cider. (Hard cider mind you. Oh yeah, livin' large.)

I had actually noticed A when he arrived at the party but not because I thought he was cute. (Though he was but that's besides the point.) I noticed him due to his, let's say selection of attire. Based on stereotypical assumptions, I admit, I guessed that he was gay. After speaking with him I wasn't convinced either way but I wasn't attracted to him (which actually leads me to believe he's straight. Oh the irony.) He was sweet but well...I wanted more cider. At that exact moment I still hadn't actually realized it was a set up, and afterwards felt bad that I left him high and dry.

After the party my friend and her husband admitted it was a set up, not by them but by his aunt. He said she threatened his life half way through the party because he hadn't brought me over yet. My friend said she didn't tell me before hand because she knew I'd freak out. I LOVE that she knows me well enough to know that. I said, "thank God you didn't tell me because I would have freaked out. The only way I'm ever going to meet someone is like this. A set up I don't know about!"

She kept apologizing but I actually appreciated it. It gave me a chance to experience something I otherwise would have denied myself if I had known about it. I had no chance to form false preconceptions or to think the potential of a relationship to death before even meeting the guy.

It's nice to not have time to think.

My friend's sister's boyfriend's brother

At this same party during which I was set up, I chatted with another guy who I had actually met briefly once before. Now him I had heard stories about and knew a little bit about his character. Preconceptions were made but oddly enough, I didn't try to avoid him. Number one, it would have been hard because the party wasn't that big, but what's really strange is that I was uncomfortable at times. I stuck around anyway and participated in a conversation with him. I mean, a lot of times I will tune out if the other person starts to talk a lot about themselves or I'll give kinda short answers to questions if I feel awkward (which I do realize is mostly in my head.)

Anyway, I had the feeling he kind of liked me and though I didn't really like him I chatted away. Maybe it was the cider, I dunno, but I was actually giving him a chance by learning about him and letting him learn about me too. I realize this sounds absolutely ridiculous and extremely juvenile bordering on trite, but this is the queen we're talking about! I'm pretty much equal to a teenager feeling my way blindly through this whole relating to boys on that level thing.

He showed his true colors when while entertaining a few little girls at the party he mentioned something about teaching his 7 year old niece how to stuff dollar bills down her shirt because it was a skill she'd need later in life. Said in jest of course but just as distasteful. It didn't make me hate him or even particularly change how I felt about him. I just realized that he had been on his best behavior for me and what I had heard from a few others (that he had no respect for women) was true.

After the party I found out he thought I was "hot"...which basically means he was picturing me naked while we talked.

All in all it was an enjoyable evening, and even finding out there was a whole plot I was unknowingly involved in made it all the more entertaining. The fact I rarely meet men and this night I had a choice of two, (for humor's sake) a gay guy and a misogynist, has not gone unnoticed.

How shall I think this one to death? :)

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Blind, Anonymous, Email Kind Of Set Up

A few months ago (possibly a year by now) my mother told me there was a man that auntie m wanted me to meet. He is the son of a friend of hers and he's a doctor. Mmmhmmm I said, that's nice. She asked if she could give him my email and I said yes mostly because what the hell else was I supposed to say without sounding like a complete ass? The details I received about him are as follows: He is of the same heritage of me, he's a doctor, he is divorced from a woman who is a magnificent bitch (most likely an embellished description provided by my mother) and has no time to meet women.

A little while later I received an email from a guy saying that auntie m gave him my email and that we should meet. I panicked. He wasn't supposed to want to meet me immediately! I thought we'd email a few times first. I didn't know how to respond so I just didn't.

Last week while among my mother's friends, the subject of auntie m's friend's son somehow arose again. Oddly enough, not by my mother.

auntie n: you know it's like i was telling l, you guys (as in me and her daughters) know what it's like. what that life (a doctor's life) is like. you lived it, you grew up with it. it's so out of character for auntie m i just want you to know that. she just doesn't do this kind of thing. but she wants the two of you to meet. and it would be good you know? because it's so hard for him to meet anyone, and i know it's hard for you too.
queenvee: nods
auntie n: i mean at the very least it's worth one date. just to meet him. i'm telling you it's so out of character for auntie m to even suggest this. he must really be a great guy....
queenvee: nods
auntie n: (continues on for about 10 minutes)

So now I'm stuck between wanting to meet him, if only to actually meet someone intended to be a potential connection, and knowing that knowing me I've probably already made all kinds of subconscious decisions about why it won't work because he's a doctor. Namely that I'll feel guilty when he makes time for me out of his busy schedule and I end up not being interested.

They can't give me time to think. No option to think. If they wanted us to meet they should have just planned it that way. I would have resented the intrusion but at least I wouldn't have any stupid preconceptions about anything.

Am I annoying you as much as I'm annoying myself?

Friday, December 01, 2006

Side Note: Ponderings From The Tropics

Isn't it strange how when someone tells you they're pregnant the first expected reply is, "congratulations!"? I understand saying it after the baby is born, for all parties involved in the situation have certainly earned it, some more than others...but 3, 4 months in?

Isn't that pretty much like saying, "we applaud you for getting laid!"?